January 18, 2006
HUD will no longer maintain a contract for employees to use the Employee Express system. The use of the system will come to an end on February 1, 2006. In it’s place employees will have to use the NFC system. This system is already available but less than half of HUD employees currently have passwords for the system. You may be under the impression that HIHRTS is the replacement to Employee Express; however, at this time the union has been informed that the NFC system will be the replacement.
HUD has assured AFGE Council #222 that all of the features for changes and updates will be the same with only CFC contributions not being able to be added by the NFC system. AFGE has not had the opportunity to test all the features to confirm NFC will do all the same processes as Employee Express.
NFC will have a help desk but they are unable to take an immediate and large increase in call traffic for passwords. You should be able to go to their web site (www.nfc.usda.gov) to obtain a password but there is no guarantee they can handle half of HUD making such a request all at once.
AFGE Council #222 has submitted notice to HUD to bargain over this however, we are attempting to complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the changes to be completed before February 1, 2006 in order to help give employees some time to prepare for this change.
AFGE is trying to make sure you will be notified of this change by HUD, have access to the new system, passwords, training, and time to deal with this transition. Given the current date AFGE Council #222 wanted to at least make sure you had some warning of the change that is about to occur.
This E:Notice written by Executive Vice President Perry Casper