October 20, 2005
The Council has been advised that HUD Headquarters is secretly testing Intake employees. In some instances against their will, HUD HQ employees have been pressured to call field Intake centers pretending to be complainants.
During a recent audit, GAO did the same thing. However, HUD employees weren't asked to participate and the results did not factor into any performance evaluations or other personnel actions.
The Council is very troubled by this latest secret testing. In its notification to the Council, Management presented this as a standard "survey." Unlike past surveys, however, participation is neither voluntary nor anonymous. (HQ employees are pressured to participate, and field employees don't even know they're participating!)
We are investigating what action can be taken. In the meantime, please familiarize yourself with the "survey" script so that you might be able to identify when you are being tested. A copy of the script can be found at our website at
If you have questions or want to be updated on Council action, please contact your Local President.
This Council 222 E:Alert was written by Casrolyn Federoff, President, Council 222.
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