Mgmt Proposed Midterm Bargaining on Covered Issues Maxiflex and Repudiation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
A term CBA is in place (ratified by the Union membership and approved by a previous Secretary of HUD in July 2015). Management has breached and repudiated the contract by refusing to follow the clear and unambiguous language contained in the CBA.
- - Management Response (11/21/2018)
- - Grievance of the Parties (10/22/2018)
Failure to Provide Data in 7114 (b)(4) Information Request
Agency violation of statutory and contractual provisions, unfair labor practices and other violations of Federal law, which requires Management to fulfill an information request that has shown a particularized need. The Union further maintains that Management´s attempt to withhold this information on matters relevant to Ground Rules negotiations for impending term bargaining is an unfair labor practice and violation of Management´s duty to bargain in good faith.
- - - Arbitration Decision FMCS 180918-08462 (April 2019)
- - - Management Response to Grievance (08/29/2018)
- - - Grievance of the Parties (07/30/2018)
Mgmt Notice of Proposed Midterm Bargaining on Covered By Space Issues and Repudiation of Collective Bargaining Agreement
Agency violation of statutory and contractural provisions, unfair labor practices and other violations of Federal law which requires management to honor an existing negotiated collective bargaining agreement (CBA) until a new agreement has been negotiated.
- - - Management Response to Grievance (07/18/2018)
- - - Grievance of the Parties (06/18/2018)
Breach of Agreement Provisions Regarding Payment of Performance Bonuses
Department violation of Article 31.03 (2) of the Agreement regarding timely payment of bargaining unit employee Awards for Overall Performance, Article 6.01 of the Agreement regarding the fair and equitable treatment of employees, as well as any and all other law, rule, regulations, policy, handbooks or agreements that apply.
- - - Grievance of the Parties (04/17/2018)
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Breach of HUD-AFGE Council 222 Agreement Provisions Regarding Midterm Bargaining and Other Statutory Violations
Agency violation of Article 49 regarding mid-term bargaining, Article 6.01 regarding fair and equitable treatment of employees and management refusal to
complete midterm bargaining that is underway and to adhere to contractual and statutory requirements for bargaining constitutes bad faith.
- - - Grievance of the Parties (09/26/2017)
Presidential Management Fellows Council (PMFC)
Agency violation of Article 49, including but not limited to Article 49.05, which requires management to pay the travel and per diem costs of union negotiators for midterm bargaining.
- - - Grievance of the Parties (07/28/2017)
Violation of Supplement 6 (Affinity Groups)
Agency failure to comply with provisions in Supplement 6, requiring that management provide the Union with copies of communications with HUD Common Interest Groups (HCIGs) upon request.
- - - Grievance of the Parties (09/13/2016)
- - - Supplement 6 (04/05/2016)
Multifamily Reorganization (MFRT) Supplement #135
Job Swap - There is an ongoing reorganization
of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing
Multifamily Program Division which was negotiated and resulted in Supplement #135
(note section #38) to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement between HUD and AFGE Council
of Locals #222. This Supplement included an Appendix 3 to the Agreement on the Specific subject
of Job swaps or a Job Exchange Program. Prior to the Appendix a Pilot Program on job swaps/job
exchnages was agreed to by the parties. This reorganization is being conducted in five (5) "waves"
or is incrementally being completed over a phased time period. Currently
wave one is completing the implementation process and wave two is in the midst of the reorganization process.
It is the Union's belief and grievance that the job swap/job exchange contractual process was violated by the Department.
- - - Union Discovery Request (04/03/2015)
- - - Management Response (11/07/2014)
- - - Grievance of the Parties
Multifamily Reorganization (MFRT) Supplement #135
First Consideration - As an ongoing mis-application of the Multifamily Reorganization (MFRT) Supplement #135 there is a continuing condition of not providing "First Consideration"
to current HUD Multifamily Housing employee applicants that are subject to relocation or elimination for vacancies within the employees commuting area.
- - Union Request to Invoke Arbitration
- - Department Response to Union Grievance (10/27/2014)
- - Grievance of the Parties