This page contains bargaining issues completed in 2016. Click the bargaining tab in the menu, to go to the current bargaining page.

Completed Bargaining By Year: 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2002-03
Contract Supplements Page for our current Contract (blue) | Current Contract
Contract Supplements for 1998 Contract (yellow) | Previous Contract (1998-Yellow)

Electronic Filing of EEO Complaints

- - Memorandum of Understanding (11/07/2016)

SFHousing Loan Review System (LRS)

Chief Negotiator - Kirk Mensah
- - Supplement 11 (12/01/2016)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (09/22/2016)

Place Based Model

Chief Negotiator - Sal Viola
- - Supplement 10 (10/20/2016)

SKYPE For Business

- - Memorandum of Understanding (07/21/2016)

Implementation of HUD Operating Protocols

Chief Negotiator - Sal Viola
HUD AFGE Bargaining Unit Employees submitted a draft form to the Council on July 6, 2016.
- - Supplement (08/11/2016)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (07/11/2016)

Office of Housing Realignment/Reorganization

Chief Negotiator - James Flynn
Union Officers, go to the private area of our website for more documents on this reorg.

Current Position Descriptions for Finance and Budget:
Budget Analyst GS-0560-13 (Generic), GS-0560-13 (DAS), GS-0560-09, GS-0560-07
Financial Analyst GS-1160-14
Management Anlyst GS-0343-14, GS-0343-13, GS-0343-05 (Trainee)

- - Union Request For Info (06/29/2016)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (06/28/2016)
- - Mgmt Article 49 Notification (06/21/2016)

Handbook 750.1

Chief Negotiator - James Flynn
Bargaining the impact and implementation of handbook 750.1, Details (across program lines), Interagency Agreement Assignments, and Intergovernmental personnel Act Assignments Policy. (Demand To Bargain, Article 5 etc. are on the 2014 bargaining page).
- - Supplement 7 (04/26/2016)

Affinity Groups

Demand to Bargain over HUD´s interaction with various non-AFGE employee affinity groups organized by HUD employees (Demand To Bargain, FLSA Settlement and other docs are on the 2014 bargaining page)
- - Supplement 6 (04/05/2016)

Lexus for Microsoft Upgrade

Chief Negotiator - Jerry Gross
- - Union Response to Mgmt (06/01/2016)
- - Mgmt Response
- - Union Demand To Bargain (04/08/2016)
- - Management Notice to Union (04/04/2016

Government Shutdown

UPDATE - Management failed to respond to our request for information related to the shutdown furlough threat. The Federal Labor Relations Authority found in favor of the Union. The resulting Settlement Letter and Posting are below.
- - FLRA Settlement Agreement Letter to Management (07/19/2016)
- - Copy Posting Management Must Email To All Employees (unsigned)
- - Demand To Bargain (09/15/2015)

Mgmt Response To Security Breach of Bargaining Unit Employees´ PII Through OPM Cybersecurity Incident

- - FLRA Decision Posting mgmt sent to all employees (09/13/2016)
- - ULP FILED (08/06/2015)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (Additional Proposals to Supplement the 06/05/2015 Demand To Bargain) (07/16/2015)
- - Union Demand To Bargain (06/05/2015)